Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Me? Blogging?...Nooo way. No, really.

I decided to start this blog so I can share all of my experiences with anyone who cares to read about them-mostly my family and close friends. This is a way for me to share all the details about where I'm visiting, what I'm doing, what I like to eat and what I don't like so much, you name it! I will also share pictures; this will make it a lot easier than telling each individual the same story again and again! I hope to experience a lot and therefor have a lot to write about.

Passport came in a couple days ago! I feel like such a grown up having planned this whole year long trip on my own! My first stop? Istanbul, Turkey. I will spend around 8 months there, then vacation for a few weeks and visit as many countries as possible staying in hostels with friends, and then I will go to Rome, Italy for 3 months. :)
And. I. Couldn't. Be. More. Excited!!!

I know I will miss my family and friends so much, but I am a very independent person. I can't wait to go off and experience like and new cultures! I love change, and I get bored if things are the same for too long (just ask my parents how long it takes me to get sick of a boy I'm dating) justtttt kiddingggg.....maybe.

I will be leaving for Turkey in 2 weeks, and staying with a nice family that live in a beautiful "complex," which is like a gated neighborhood here. They have a puppy, and a pool in the back yard, and 2 children 3, and 5.

Just getting things packed up over here!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Define: "Au Pair"

according to Google define: A single girl (or, rarely, a boy) who helps a host family with childcare and/or housework while staying as a guest with a host family and generally receiving a small allowance (or pocket money)

according to
noun a person, usually a young foreign visitor, employed to takecare of children, do housework, etc., in
exchange for roomand board: We sent the children to the beach with the aupair.

According to urban dictionary: The word "Au Pair" is a French term, which means "on par" or "equal to", denoting living on an equal basis in a reciprocal, caring relationship between the host family and the children. An aupair will typically be a young woman and sometimes a young man from a foreign country who chooses to help look after the children of a host family and provide light housekeeping. The aupair is given room and board and is typically paid a weekly "pocket-money" salary. Aupairs generally stay with their host family for one year.

According to...ME!
Au Pair: A female who is wayyy awesome who is very adventurous and goes to Turkey and plays with adorable children everyday and teaches them English. Also, she lives with a very nice family and gets payed every week so she can have fun and go on adventures on her days off!

....I like my definition best. (: