Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's all Greek to me!

My mom arrived in Istanbul on Thursday, Oct. 7th and I was SO happy to see her!! We took the scenic route by the Bosphorus home to show her everything, and once we got home Hulya, my mom, and I enjoyed some Turkish appetizers and lemoncellos! We went to a nice Turkish restaurant that evening with Hulya and Can right on the bosphorus and we had a nice time and my mom got to try Turkish desserts at the end...she loved the baklava!

Early Friday morning we hopped in a taxi to the airport and were on our way to: ATHENS, GREECE! :D When we got to the airport we decided to try and figure out the metro system to get to our hotel...this was a mild failure at first, but in the end success! After dropping our things off at the Grand Polis Hotel, we walked around for a while and found part of the ancient Agora ...and a black cat!

We started walking up, up, and more UP to the Acropolis finding cool things to take pictures of along the way... I loved this "greek Island" looking houses all white, bunched together, and tiny stairs connecting everything:

Looking up to part of the acropolis...we were almost there and then my shoe broke!!!

The evil Taxi man:
After my shoe broke we hopped in a taxi and asked him to take us the the shops, just go down closer to the town for us so I could buy shoes. Evil Taxi man tells us that On friday after 3 (it was after 3) and all day saturdays, Taxi's were 7 euro a km! SEVEN EURO! So he said he would drop us off at a metro stop and it will be cheaper for us...we get to the metro and the fair says 25 I hand him a 50 and literally a second later there is a 10 in his hands and he says, "no, its 25." ...Me and my mom look at each other confused...I KNOW I only brought a 50 and a 20, with me in case we got mugged. I end up being an idiot and handing over my 20 and getting 5 in change back. Basically, we paid 65 euro for a 2 minute taxi ride. PS- there is not 7 euro a km fair fridays or saturdays or ever. LEARNED OUR LESSON!

We finished off the day shopping, and eating. Eating alot! Greek food is great but it is SO similar to Turkish food....basically they eat most of the same foods but they claim it's their's and "the other country copied us!" At ngiht time we went up to the roof top bar and had drinks and an appetizer plate together with a magnificent view of the acropolis! We called it an early night because we were so tired. Day 1 was a success....minus the taxi man!

On saturday, we woke up and had breakfast across the street at a cute bakery, then headed up to the acropolis!

Then we had a lovely walk down from the acropolis a few hours later..

And stopped along the way to have lunch at a cafe next to the ancient agora!
We split a greek salad and mom had a frappe while I had a frappe with Bailey's. I win.

We saw cool street dancers! They were amazinggg!!!!

We found the meat was disgusting but cool...they all wanted to take pictures with us!

Mom and her olives... :P

Ok, maybe I'm a little mean... :P

View of the Acropolis from our hotel! Beautiful!

We had an awesome time in Greece! :)

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