Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light

I think it's inevitable that anytime you venture somewhere new for a long period of time, you're going to feel homesick; most people can't stop that feeling from arising within themselves. I'm certainly not one of the few who can. I put my entire life on hold for a year; I took advantage of the fact that i'm young and don't have huge life priorities holding me down. Yes, I dropped some other great opportunities, but I did so with the idea that I have more to possibly gain where I am now. I'm most certainly on the opposite side of the globe from where I started...where I've been my entire life. Most people say, "wait....Turkey? I must have heard you wrong....TURKEY?! 3rd world country Turkey?" .....yeah. That one.
Little do those people know, Turkey is NOT a 3rd world country at all. Turkey is absolutely gorgeous, there is SO much to learn here, more than I'd ever learn from a textbook. I can't begin to explain the chills I felt standing beneath the dome of the Haghia Sophia, or overlooking the Bosphorus and the fortress, realizing I was literally in both Europe and asia at the SAME time. I'm learning about a culture, but not JUST learning, I am also experiencing it- can't beat that.

So back to being homesick- I won't lie and say it's easy, because it is very hard to come somewhere where you don't know anyone, and can hardly even communicate with people due to a language barrier. Yes- it's really hard, sometimes I miss home and family and friends so much I want to pack up and come home tomorrow! But here's the silver lining, if I came home right now, I'd only have been here a little over a month. Thats only a SLIVER of the experience that I could have. I have the world in the palm of my hands, and I intend to take in every opportunity that I can. I have no intentions of throwing such an amazing opportunity away. I think too many people throw away amazing things...they just let them pass right by. I think their scared....well so am I. But you can't let fear stop you, fear can't have a hold on your life. I'm going to tough out the hard times, wipe away the tears when I miss home, and discover something beautiful.
Will it be easy? No.
Will I be sad and miss home? Often.
Will it be life changing?

Better believe it.


  1. Great post! You will gain so much from this experience of a lifetime. I am so proud of you!

  2. That's my girl, wow Heather I am so proud of you. I realized on August 12 it had been a month, everyday I think of you, but I was especially thinking last Thursday of all the times you pop in to see your TV shows that you record, or join me for a meal, give me reason to cook.... I am wondering where this journey will lead. You are stronger than i ever dreamed and I am really proud. you are so loved and my respect has grown and grown. Hartle's were here for dinner and we all talk about the adventure and the location. Them having a son have way around the world, in the same timezone as you! But he is not there like you, for the life changing adventure and safe environment. He is there because he is keeping our countries' freedoms secure. He is not safe like you and the fear of a phone call is much different than the freedom and joy of my calls with you.
    I hope you really REALLY have a great day tomorrow. I will try to have Skype up as much as possible in the background, just in case!


  3. Heather, I loved reading your blog and looking at all the photos. What a great experience you have ahead of you! When I was in college, I spent a semester in Wales. While there were lonely times, my memories are all good. When I look back now, I wish I'd stayed longer, seen more things, experienced more. Hang in there, because this adventure will shape you and your future. My best words of wisdom are from the Bible. I hope you brought one with you!

    The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

    Continue to enjoy your time, learn a lot and remember a year will go much too quickly.

    love and hugs, Ms. Anne

  4. Heather sweetie! What an amazing journey you are having! I have heard great things about Turkey from other travelers, but your blog really makes it look like some place I would like to travel to. There are some Mediterranean cruises that stop in Istanbul, and it is my dream to take one someday. I'm amazed at your courage, going to another country and working there. I plan to follow your blog and hope you will teach us some Turkish phrases you are learning. Best wishes from across the globe --

    Deanna Smith, Bellamy's mom

  5. Mrs. Smith, so glad to hear from you! I'm so happy you plan to keep up with my blog, I'll do my best to show you and everyone Turkey is VERY worth visiting! :)

    Anne- Thank you so much! I really am seeing how much I need to rely on God through this journey, the first few months here will be VERY hard and only he can give me the strength and courage I need!

    Mommy and Daddy- I love you both SO much! I am so thankful for how you've raised me, if it weren't for that, I would not be where I am today. so thank you thank you thank you! (Teshekular-thank you in turkish!)

  6. Heather,

    I've been reading your blog every now and then, and it sounds like you are having a great time. I'm jealous of your little kiddos! I want to feed the turtles and watch princess movies, too!!! :) LOL.

    Oh, and the shopping sounds incredible!

    It sounds like you've got it together even though you are missing home. I'm glad you've found other au pairs to play with, too!

    I can't help but think of the movie, Au Pair, when I think of you. I don't know if you've seen it, but I hope your little ones aren't playing pranks on you right and left like the kids in that movie. It probably isn't very realistic. haha :)

    I will try to keep up with your adventures! It probably won't be hard. I love the photos!!

    Katie Archer
