Monday, July 19, 2010

Longest post everrrr. Sorry!

It is obvious that venturing to the opposite side of the world is sure to bring about a completely different lifestyle- this is proven true to me!
I have so much to share and I really don't know how to go about writing it ALL down, but I will try my best!
This past week has been difficult for me, not just because it was my first week, but because I have been working 14 hour days! (I don't know I survived :P) The kids a cute as can be, and the little girl has really been an angel for me, and the little boy has been more difficult, but he is only 3. Day by day he adapts better and gets to know me, he has even given me kisses the past couple days! :)
I am slowly learning a bit of Turkish, but this language is not so easy! To me it is funny and really sounds like jibberish-alot of sh, and ch, sounds! :P
I think I mentioned in a previous post about the small "feast" at every meal time- its really something! I noticed they eat alot of things almost every day that I really like- alot of fruit, chicken, and french fries...the french fries are cool because the housekeepers literally peel the potatos and fry them right before it is time to eat- they are fresh! They call french fries "potatos" here!
The iphone they gave me had some problems so they gave me a temporary phone (like a go phone) until they fix it. It is confusing to me because there is no english setting! ahh! They also had a desk put in my room and a TV....I told them the TV was not necessary but they insisted! Maybe it will help me with learning Turkish!?

Here is the bad part of the update...(but don't worry, happy ending!)
Typically, being an au pair means going to a foreign family and watching their children, teaching your language, and being "part of the family"...the most common host families complaint is that after the au pair has finished her scheduled "work hours" she hides away in her room and no relationship/friendship is formed. For me, I know this wouldn't be a problem because I genuinely WANTED to come to a family and form a friendship. I wanted to talk at dinnertime and share life experiences, especially to note how things are different and culture is different at these very far locations from home!
Well, I think those au pairs that families complained about would have fit in perfectly here- it is clear the family wants me working with the children on my hours, and then I should go to my "area" (aka-my room) when I am not working. It even disturbs them if I am on my computer in the living room...this is a problem because I still have no internet in my room! Right now I am typing up this post in my room (I had to say a quick goodbye on chatting with my big sister Melissa, sorry love!) where I have no internet because I was upstairs by the pool earlier but the family came I felt I had to leave. It makes me very sad they don't want to know me, and I feel like I almost have to "hide" from them. When I am done with this post, I will run back up and post it, and then come back down to my room until it is dinner time. Then I will eat with the kids and make sure they eat more than just the sugary things on their plate! (parents don't eat with the kids here) After I put them to bed- back to my "area"...
SO of course it is hard for me, since I am not the kind of person who likes to always be alone! :(

Ok, enough of the bad, here is the good-
I am determined to stay positive and make this work- things are not ideally how I would hope for them to be, but I am sure I will adapt and make it work.
Also, I was upset working so many hours (since I am only supposed to work 8-9 a day and a half day) but today I spoke with the kids mother and we decided on a schedule! I will be with the kids 8-1ish and then 5-9:30ish on the regular days! Tuesday is my day off, and wednesday is my half day! I would much rather work my 8-9 hours straight and then have the evening off, but I will make this work.
Anyways, tomorrow the family was very kind and arranged for me to see the city on somewhat of a private tour, so I am very happy to finally go out and see something! :) I hope I did not make the family seem awful- they are very kind people!! They have been very giving and accepting of me, a stranger, coming into their home, and luckily I am now understanding how they want this arrangement to be.

*Hint to future au pairs: Make sure you understand exactly what the family is looking for so neither party feels bad/disturbed/confused ect.!!!

To my family and friend: I miss you SO very much! It has been difficult to adapt to a completely new environment,but I know it will continue to get easier- especially as I learn some more turkish! :P

Pictures soon to come!


  1. Well, I'm glad you got your schedule. At least you know when you have free time now. Random ideas..... Can you sit in the kitchen with the cooks and be on the internet? Maybe you can bond with them a little? Also, I don't know the age on that American family that you met at the pool, but I would think the Mom would love to have a friend to meet at the pool once in a while. And, compare your schedule to all of the other Au Pairs so you can meet with them during your time off.

    Ok, I'm done with my ideas. I'm so jealous that you are on a private tour of Istanbul. The only private tour I've done is looking at a friend's new house. :) Take tons of pictures. We are all seeing Turkey through your eyes. Lynn

  2. Hey Boo! I love you! Hope all is getting better and better! I would think that as they get to know you, they will want more time with you, sharing and caring about each as individuals. It is strange how many Europeans.
    They are still figuring this out, you get to train them how to have an aupair

  3. i just realized it did not go through yesterday. i am so slammed here, really need a job I love... not one that makes me nauseous...

  4. Chicka, cant wait to hear about your day and adventure around Istanbul- i am sure it was incredible to see the bazarres and people and life on the streets...

  5. Lynn- Thanks for the ideas! :D Next time I see an american family (not too often here) I will surely speak up! Also, the kitchen is in the bottom floor, my room is also here-and no internet! :( They are getting the internet fixed in my room asap though! Also, I have been told not to make friends with the house keepers :(

    Mom- I love you too and stay positive like I am trying to do and things will always work out! :) Also, I would think if they gave me a chance and got to know me, they would want to have a friendship- the problem is they won't get the chance to know me. I feel like I need to hide from them :/ I am about to post a verrrrry long exciting update filled with pics!

  6. ok, i am about to turn computer off, try the to receive info/email. i am taking 2 days away from work/electronics/ etc. but it will go to phone and I want to hear from you!!!!
    hope your tour today was awesome!
    Love you1

  7. Little!! I hope that your tour around Istanbul was incredible. Keep your chin up. I will say lots of prayers for you that things get better and the family opens up to you more and will want to form a friendship in the future with you. That's one thing I love so much about you is that you are always so optimistic no matter the circumstances :) remember that me, barry and little Rylee love you soooo much!!!! enjoy every minute of your time there, it's definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity!!! We are so proud of you :) :)

    ps..can i send you things?!? like care packages?!?!?
